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Europe, Germany Factory/Showroom
(Visit by appointment)
Middle East, United Arab Emirates Showroom/Office (Visit by appoitment)

Why should you consider partnering with us for your acoustic needs

Custom Solutions

We deliver tailored acoustic designs that enhance sound quality and seamlessly match your style.

Eco-friendly materials

Our products use sustainable, high-quality materials like FSC-certified wood and recycled PET felt.

Expert Innovation

With decades of expertise, we ensure advanced, safe, and effective acoustic solutions for any space.


The Acoustic Trend team has become an essential partner for EOMAC. Their innovative product development, technical expertise, and top-tier production capabilities consistently help us deliver unique, high-quality solutions.

Mark White

I value the personal, direct communication with Acoustic Trend and the fun it brings. We collaborate on stunning, large-scale projects, and I’m often amazed by the opportunities that arise. The result? A top-notch final product!

Stan Loomans

At Gielissen, we’ve completed several impressive projects with Acoustic Trend’s products. They always collaborate on custom solutions, and working with Shadi and Amir is a true pleasure. Highly recommended for top-quality materials.

Daniel Govers

It’s been a pleasure collaborating with Acoustic Trend over the years. I’m excited to continue working together and confident we’ll achieve even greater success on future projects. A truly valuable partnership!

Mickhle Wang

Working with Acoustic Trend is always a pleasure. Their clear communication and strong vision make collaboration smooth and enjoyable. If you’re looking for a reliable partner, I wholeheartedly recommend them.

Sten de Bruijn

Acoustic Trend is a reliable partner with clear communication and quick, solution-oriented responses. Their high-quality products consistently meet our standards, ensuring project success. A professional team we’re always happy to recommend.

Klaus Muller